GUI frontends for GnuPG

Frontends described in this post offers a more refined user-interfaces to GPG, where information is presented in a friendly maner. They are useful for users that don't want to remember GPG command line options like those described in GPG cheatsheet. Almost everything can be done quickly with a few mouse clicks.

Below are provided several Linux interfaces for GnuPG:


Homepage | Downloads Page

The GNU Privacy Assistant (GPA) is a graphical user interface for GnuPG. GPA utilizes GTK+, connects to GnuPG via GPGME and compiles for various platforms. GPA can be used for encrypting, decrypting and signing files, for verifying signatures and to manage the private and public keys.

GnuPG Shell

Home and Download Page

GnuPG Shell is a GUI front-end for GnuPG command line utility. So, it provides the same functionality as GnuPG utility but in a far more convenient and easy-to-use way. It is for users who don't want spend time on remembering all command line options of GnuPG. Pre-built installation packages are avalaible for Debian Linux, RedHat Linux, and Microsoft Windows.



KGpg is a KDE graphical frontend for GnuPG, which makes it easier to use. The application is splitted in Key Manager Window which allows easy key management and Editor Window used for encrypting/decrypting the arbitrary text.


Homepage | Downloads Page

Seahorse is a GNOME application for managing encryption keys. It also integrates with Nautilus, gedit and other applicatios for encryption operations. Parts of seahorse are splitted out into the seahorse-plugins module that includes the agent, nautilus integration, gedit plugin, panel applet and epiphany extension.